Over the past couple of weeks, there's been plenty of coverage in the media about Apple's iPad. So much - that I felt no need to mention anything on my blog about it. Until now.
First, let me say that I'm happy Apple is bringing some much needed attention to the tablet product space. In my mind, an inexpensive tablet makes for a perfect coffee-table computer. You know - something you grab while watching TV to check something on the 'net. Maybe you use it to play a quick game during commercials or to jot down a quick note to yourself as a reminder....
Or, you could use it to get caught up with Ironman, Spiderman, or X-Men. Panelfly has been making comics available in your back-pocket for some time now with their iPhone/iPod-Touch App. Now - wth the introduction of the iPad, they finally have a form factor which makes perfect sense for their product. Panelfly will introduce an optimized version of the popular comic book reader for the iPad in March 2010.
I still think the iPad is over-priced but I could get with a color eReader if content like this is going to be available.